About Me

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I am blessed to be a Woman of God who loves to help show God's very real love in our every day lives. 1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Either Way.......

I was just watching the news and within 3 minutes I saw people standing in line at a food bank and switched to the BBC World news and saw the people of Thailand moving their belongings (or what is left of their belongings) around in a small boat – they are trying to find someplace to live since their city is flooded.  Although things are tough for me right now, I have not gone hungry or hungry enough to have to go to a food bank.  I am not homeless because my city is flooded.  See at times we need perspective on our situations.  I am not saying that what I am going through or what you are going through is not tough.  I am not saying that it is not painful and that you/we have not had to cry.  I am not even trying to down play your situation, BUT God.  See the rain falls on the just and the unjust.  These things only come to make us stronger and increase our faith.  Is your faith increasing or are you turning away right when God wants to show Himself strong in your life?

At times we are in hard situations because of our choices, sin & disobedience.  Other times we are suffering for Christ, so that He can do a work in us.  God does the work of increased faith, unwavering trust, and undeniable love.  Only you know why you are in what you are in.  Either repent or stand on God’s promises.  Either way, you cannot lose. 

Matthew 5:45……for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.


  1. Just what I needed to hear and just when I needed to hear it! GOD is so Awesome! Thank you, Minister Scott for being a part of his promises in my life!

  2. We have so much trouble with control and we can't fully let God handle our situations because we think we can do it. With faith and love for God we in time let go and let God and it feels great not to have that worry on our shoulders. I have trouble understanding love in the way God loves us because it's unconditional. I just know I try to love the way he loves us. God provides and blesses us unconditional. I have never been in a flood and always had a roof over my head but even in a tent I know this is where God wants me for now. And if I look around me my blessings are there and I have a chance to bless someone with Gods love and maybe help someone. Or someone would get the chance to help me and in doing so grow closer to God. We cross paths with someone for a reason and God puts people for us to help and inturn when were down they help us.LOVE, it feels so good and he will never turn his back on us I know this is true even sometimes we think he's not there.....He is and he will listen to us. Be silent and listen
    be still and pray he talks to us and he says I LOVE YOU.....I was blessed to meet Wanda Scott and see God working through her.
    Through Christ
    William Moore
